
Monday, December 13, 2010

Leaders Issue Proclamation Establishing Rwanda National Congress

A group of prominent Rwandan leaders living in exile around the globe gathered in the Washington, D.C., area on December 11 and 12 to ratify a Proclamation calling for important political reforms in their native country and for the establishment of the Rwanda National Congress, "an umbrella, broad-based organization for all Rwandans to exert pressure and advocate for democratic change through peaceful means." Click here for your full copy.

Arguing that the Rwandan "people have never had the opportunity to fully realize their aspirations for freedom, security and prosperity," the Proclamation also asserts that under "the Rwandese Patriotic Front (RPF), the party that governs Rwanda today... Rwanda is now far less free than it was prior to just before the genocide."

Endorsed by 10 leaders, the Proclamation establishes the Rwanda National Congress "to spearhead a national peaceful struggle to end the current dictatorship, establish democracy and ensure sustainable peace for all Rwandans.  We envision a new Rwanda infused with freedom, unity, peace and prosperity for all, without discrimination The Rwanda National Congress is not a political party."

With that in mind, the Rwanda National Congress' objectives, according to the Proclamation, are to:

1.    Stop and prevent violent conflict, including genocide and grave human rights violations that Rwanda’s people have periodically suffered and that have historically extended to citizens – men, women, and children – of neighboring states;
2.    Eradicate a culture of impunity for human rights violations;
3.    Create a conducive and progressive environment for inclusive social and economic development for all the people of Rwanda;
4.    Establish, nurture and institutionalize democratic governance, particularly the rule of law in all its aspects;
5.    Establish independent, non-partisan, professional civil service and security institutions;
6.    Build a stable society that promotes and protects equality, embraces and celebrates diversity, and fosters inclusion in all aspects of national life;
7.    Promote individual, community and national reconciliation and healing;
8.    Promote harmonious relations, reconciliation and mutually- beneficial collaboration with the peoples and governments of neighboring states;
9.    Resolve the chronic problem of Rwandan refugees;
10.    Nurture a culture of tolerance to diverse ideas, freedom of discussion, and debate of critical issues.
The Proclamation concludes: "We, the founders of the Rwanda National Congress gathered at Bethesda, Maryland, in the United States of America, representing a wide diversity of our nation, do hereby adopt this Proclamation this 12th day of December, 2010.
1.    Jerome Nayigiziki
2.    Gervais Condo
3.    Lt. Gen. Kayumba Nyamwasa
4.    Dr. Gerald Gahima
5.    Jonathan Musonera
6.    Col. Patrick Karegeya
7.    Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa
8.    Joseph Ngarambe
9.    Dr Emmanuel Hakizimana
10.    Jean Paul Turayishimye"
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