
Monday, December 13, 2010

Exiled Rwandan officers form party

Exiled Rwandan military officers Gen. Kayumba Nyamwasa and Col. Patrick Karegeya have formed a political party, the Rwanda National Congress (RNC), Daily Monitor has learnt.
Other leaders of the new party include Jerome Nayigiziki, Gervais Condo, Dr. Gerald Gahima, Jonathan Musonera, Dr Theogene Rudasingwa, Joseph Ngarambe, Dr Emmanuel Hakizimana and Jean Paul Turayishimye.

A Quote from USMessage Board
December 13, 2010 -- A group of prominent Rwandan leaders living in exile around the globe gathered in the Washington, D.C., area on December 11 and 12 to ratify a Proclamation calling for important political reforms in their native country and for the establishment of the Rwanda National Congress, "an umbrella, broad-based organization for all Rwandans to exert pressure and advocate for democratic change through peaceful means."

Arguing that the Rwandan "people have never had the opportunity to fully realize their aspirations for freedom, security and prosperity," Proclamation also asserts that under "the Rwandese Patriotic Front (RPF), the party that governs Rwanda today... is now far less free than it was prior to just before the genocide."
Rwanda’s Information Ministry spokesperson Ignatius Kabagambe confirmed knowledge of these new developments. He, however, could not comment further on the matter. “It is true we have formed a new political party with the aim of resolving the explosive political impasse that prevails in Rwanda,” Gen. Nyamwasa told Daily Monitor in a telephone interview.
Gen. Nyamwasa said they would undertake widespread consultations with other political parties within Rwanda for appropriate interventions. “We now have a co-coordinating committee put in place to consult with other political parties in Rwanda to see how we can effectively end the political crisis in the country,” he said. “We encourage all Rwandans of good will to overcome fear and mistrust, and to dedicate themselves to the pursuit of the ideals, values, principles and goals that this proclamation embodies,” the party leadership said in a statement yesterday.
Party ideals
They said the RNC has been built on a democratic foundation that values stopping violent conflicts, including genocide and grave human rights violations, promote individual, community and national reconciliation and healing.
The leadership said it intends to eradicate human rights violations, create a conducive and progressive environment for inclusive social and economic development, establish, nurture and institutionalise democratic governance, particularly the rule of law.
Additional reporting by John Njoroge
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