
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Rwanda: PM Makuza sworn-in as Kagame rules out changes in Cabinet team

Kigali – President Paul Kagame, reappointed on Tuesday former ministers to their portfolios, maintaining the entire cabinet line-up.
Kagame had earlier on, indicated that he was not about to change a team that was still vibrant and delivering. He made the remarks on Tuesday at the Parliament, during the swearing-in ceremony of Prime Minister, Bernard Makuza, who was reappointed on Monday evening.
The ceremony was attended by top government officials, lawmakers and diplomats.
In the 8-minute address to the joint session of Parliament, President Kagame accepted the Oath of PM Makuza who sealed his stay at the helm of government which he has led since 2000.

What does the Prime Minister do?

The Prime Minister’s Office, PMO in short, under the authority of the Prime Minister, is entrusted with assisting the Prime Minister in implementing the following mission:
• Formulate the Government program in consultation with other members of the Cabinet
• Assign duties to the Ministers, Ministers of State and other members of the Cabinet
• Convene Cabinet meetings, draw up the agenda of the Cabinet in consultation with other members of the Cabinet and communicate it to the President;
• Preside over the Cabinet meetings when the President is not in attendance
• Countersign laws enacted by the Parliament and promulgated by the President of the Republic;
• Appoint civil and military officers with the exception of those appointed by the President of the Republic;
• Sign orders in respect of the appointment and promotion of junior officers of Rwanda Defense Force and National Police
The 49 year-old Makuza took the Oath at exactly 11:00am (0900GMT), some eight days after the swearing of President Kagame, and some seven days left to the end of the constitutionally stipulated timeframe for a PM to be in place.
President Kagame said that he would “wish” to see the current cabinet team returned without any changes – after the new Prime Minister Bernard Makuza had just taken the Oath of Office.
“Even if it will be a new cabinet, I can promise you that a majority – if not all, will return,” said Kagame as the audience in the Parliamentary buildings erupted into lengthy applause.
Essentially closing up on the silent debate that has been ongoing as to who will be named to the new government, President Kagame was clear that he did not expect any changes at the moment.
“That is my wish. I hope we will agree on that with the Prime Minister very soon to avoid a continued vacuum, to allow cabinet to start work soon,” said Kagame, as the audience gave him more applause.
“For those who were preparing to be appointed,” said Kagame as his address was swallowed up by the continued applause, before adding: “You will have to be a little bit patient.”
“As I can see, the current team is not tired yet. We will look at the other aspects in the years to come,” said Kagame.
Kagame said that although the ceremony was about the swearing-in of a new Prime Minister, Makuza was not new to the position. The President pointed out that during his last mandate, a lot was accomplished, and added that there is still more to be done in the next seven years.
He went on to say that he would like to have a nation of hardworking citizens who would fast track the country’s development. The Head of State thanked the leaders for their partnership and commitment. As Prime Minister, he will be in charge of coordinating cabinet activities in accordance with guidelines set by the President.
Makuza, 49, who does not belong to any political party, served as Rwanda’s Ambassador to Burundi and Germany, prior to becoming Prime Minister in 2000, under ex- President Pasteur Bizimungu. He continued as Prime Minister under President Kagame – up until today.
General Kagame reappoints Bernard Makuza as Prime Minister

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