
Friday, September 21, 2012


From RNC Newsonline
Johannesburg – The court case involving the six men accused of attempted assassination of Lt Gen Kayumba Nyamwasa resumed today in Jeppestown, magistrate court. 
On a witness stand stood Erica N Nienwenhuis, a Forensic Analyst from SAPS, Pretoria Central. What is more shocking from the defense team is that, prior to adjoining the proceedings during the last court appearance, the defense team argued on the basis of not having enough time to cross examine the witness.
Today it was a different case. The defense team, loosing touch with base, only managed to ask two questions, which Erica N Nienwenhuis firmly answered and they had no alternative but to cut short their cross examination with her.
Hilda Du Plessis, Senior Analyst Agent at MTN took a witness stand right after Erica, to testify on the database obtained from MTN’s database system detailing/ mapping the records of mobile phone calls, sms and voice mails made between the six accused men.  
The information provided by the service provider, MTN, not only well compiled  before the court, but accurately and point by point maps the modus operand of those involved in the attempted assassination, used. The prosecutor, Shaun  Abrahams, read to the public how the accused men exchanged mobile handsets in order to conceal their activities, while calling each other repeatedly in different locations, exchanging smses with one another, but the failure to catch-up with the technology is slowly catching up with them.
As an example given before the court, state prosecutor, Shaun Abrahams said that: three different SIM (Subscriber Identity Model) card numbers were used on one Phone. The IMEI number (International Mobile Equal pin Identity) of the same phone reflected on the database, being used frequently. The same phone belonged to accused number 5 the man who shot Lt Gen Kayumba Nyamwasa, also  known as Amed Seif before the court.
Shuan Abrahams also told the court that " prior to the attempted murder, 447 calls were made between the accused Richard Bachisa (the then chauffeur of Let Gen Kayumba Nyamwasa) know as accused number 2 before the court and Vincent Ngendo”. 
As the data was read out, two numbers from Rwanda emerged. One of which (+250782276419) belonged to the former Chief of National Intelligence Security Service, Col Emmanuel Ndahiro, who was reshuffled by the president and given a post in the defense ministry. As report by AFP.
The database before the court, clearly implicates all the accused from the date their sim-cards were inserted into their handset to the date that they were placed in custody. From the look of things, they are to remain behind the bars for a long time. The case will resume on the 5th to the 6th September 2012.


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