
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Why the Netherlands won’t support Kagame’s government…

Ever since the reelection of Kagame, there has been a lot (more) of open critics coming from the US and the Netherlands on Kagame’s government .
The problem is:
The UN diclosed that there has been some possible acts of genocide in Congo, and Kagame was involved in it. After the genocide the Netherlands were one of the first to help Rwanda. After all this, turns out that the Rwandan government may have supported atrocities that could have led to a genocide too.

What’s the story behind it?

This arcticle might clarify some open questions.
The United Nations said acts of genocide may have been committed in the DR Congo as it published a hotly-contested report Friday detailing massacres by foreign armies and rebels in the war-torn nation.
Rwanda, whose troops were at the centre of the most serious accusations, said it categorically rejected the report after it failed to have it suppressed while Burundi said it was designed to destabilise the region.
Joseph Kabila, son of Laurent Kabila and actual president of the DR Congo.

Reaction from Rwanda

Watch an interview with the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay on the release of a 550-page report listing 617 of the most serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law over a 10-year period, by both state and non-state actors in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Source: YouTube
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