
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Open Letter To United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon

Excellency,  I write to request your assistance in having an independent investigation in connection with the death of my father, Andre Kagwa Rwisereka which took place on July 13th, 2010,  in the city of Butare, Rwanda. I am the eldest son of the late Rwisereka and  I am responsible for speaking on behalf of my family.

One week before his death my father told me he was concerned that he might be harmed for his political views and activities. It is because of these reasons that I believe his assassination was politically motivated. I have concerns
over the medical autopsy and investigation done by Rwandan police to date and would like an independent investigation done by independent foreign experts.

To our knowledge the Rwandan authorities have stopped all investigations into his death. Suspects implicated in my father’s
assassination have been released from custody without court appearance. Eyewitnesses report having seen dozens of marks on my father’s body, suggesting torture, but the Rwandan Police has denied such allegations.

Your Excellency, I sincerely believe an independent investigation will determine whether my father was a victim of politically motivated assassination so that those responsible for this heinous crime can be brought to justice. Furthermore, such an investigation and its findings will provide a much needed closure to a tragic chapter our lives. I would greatly
appreciate any assistance that you may provide to me and my family.

Cc: Human Rights Watch Amnesty International

Note: Andre Kagwa Rwisereka, a Vice President of The Democratic Green Party of Rwanda was beheaded by assassins who have yet to be brought to book
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