
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Ingabire court hearing: Time for the truth for the Rwandan Judicial

 Adapted from Ingabire Website
Today, the GASABO Intermediate Court heard Ms. Victoire INGABIRE's motion for immediate and unconditional release from prison as the detention Court order has expired and the Prosecution is continuing delaying tactics to freeze her in jail. This is another big test for the Rwandan judicial, the time for truth.
There is no doubt, the detention period granted to the prosecution by the court has elapsed. If there is justice in Rwanda, Ms. Victoire INGABIRE should walk out of court free tomorrow when the verdict is due to be delivered at 14:00. If they refuse her that basic right, she has no reason to trust this justice any more.
The Prosecutor J. Bosco BUTERA acknowledged that the Court order expired during the Christmas holiday and they petitioned the High Court on the next opening day. It was done after the opening hours after they were informed about  the lawyer's motion.
The national prosecution Authority knows very well that in a case of a detention Court order, non working days and holidays are included in the 30-day term in prison. The independence of the judicial in Rwanda has been many times questioned and particularly in this politically motivated case against the leaders of the opposition. Another blatant violation by the Court will clear all the hopes for a fair process and it will be a final breaking point.
On 17th December 2010, Ms. Victoire INGABIRE was taken to the High Court for the verdict but there was no judge and only a prison warden jailer informed that she lost her appeal. This judicial parody needs to come to an end.

Interim Secretary General.
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