
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Africa seeks to master its migration flows in Europe

December 23rd, 2010 in Non classé
For the past four years, African states have been actively collaborating to master their migration. While illegal immigration concerns the poor, legal emigration mainly concerns African graduates. The brain drain is a real problem because it contributes to the impoverishment of social and professional fabric in the country of origin.
To stop this mass migration, African governments are entering into joint development agreements with Europe and especially France. The stakes are high: economic and social development of African countries with a view to eradicate the root causes of migration.
The co-development to fight against illegal emigration
France has been particularly active in dealing with the problem of immigration, as illustrated by the laws adopted in November 2003 and July 2006. They place the main emphasis on "concerted" management of legal immigration with the countries of origin, on co-development and on intensified efforts to combat illegal immigration.
France also intends to work with its European Union partners to accelerate the introduction of a joint European asylum regime by 2010, by means of a strengthening of the material, human and financial resources of the Frontex agency, set up to support member states in the management of the EU’s external frontiers.
Interior Ministers of the six major EU countries or G6 (Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Poland and Spain), which account for 80% of Europe’s migrant population, are currently drafting a European Pact on immigration.
The Senegalese example of joint management of migratory flows
The agreement on "concerted" management of migratory flows signed by France and Senegal in September 2006 reflects the policy approach of the French government in this domain. It means that France and Senegal will be working in close partnership to organise all aspects of migrations - the management of regular flows of immigration, the struggle against clandestine immigration and the relationship between emigration and development aid.
Concretely, it provides for the creation of a general mechanism to monitor migratory flows, a five-year visitors’ visa - which will allow businessmen and artists to travel more freely- as well as the establishment of precise forecasts for the issuance of visas.
In order to act more efficiently against illegal immigration, France and Senegal commit themselves to accept the repatriation of their nationals considered as irregular residents, and to achieve closer cooperation between their police forces. France will also give priority to Senegalese students in sectors needed by Senegal. They will be able to work in France, but will have to commit themselves to return to their home country in order to stem the brain drain. A plan to allow tax-free investment in Senegal by Senegalese immigrants in France will also be implemented.
Mali, a good performer in co-development
Mali is another country cited as an example for its good management of migratory flows with France: it also performs well in co-development. The two sides have set up a joint migrations committee. This body tackles all aspects of the migratory phenomenon by linking the management of the flow of individuals, the integration of Malian residents in France, and development assistance to Mali.
However, the re-admission of irregular immigrants remains a sensitive issue. The Malian authorities thus on the occasion of the 7th annual session of the joint Franco-Malian committee, which took place on December 15, 2006, refused to sign a number of clauses dealing with the re-admission of irregular Malian residents in France.
France signed other agreements with the Congo and Benin in 2007, Tunisia and Cape Verde in 2008 and finally Burkina in 2009.
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