
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Rwandan Female Students studying in the United States encouraged to protest against the UN Mapping report

According to our source from the Rwandan Embassy in Washington, Mr. Kimonyo, the Rwandan Ambassador in United States held meeting with various Rwandan Students bodies around USA after the release of the UN Mapping Report. The meeting was about to discuss different methods to protest against the UN Mapping report released on Ocotber 1, 2010 which allegedly accuse the Rwandan Patriotic Army to have committed crimes against humanity in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and possibly genocide against Hutus if proven in the court of law. Some of the tactics suggested are as follow:
  1. Rwandan Female Students living or studying in the United State Universities are advised to protest against this report seriously for their own benefit. Those who are on the government scholarships are encouraged to use the old ways of faking trauma (Guhahamuka) traumatized. A student should be ready even to fall down in the middle of the lecture when everybody else is silent in order to attract more attention to the UN Mapping report. If a student is asked why she is traumatized she must say that it is because of the UN Mapping report which reminds her how Hutus killed her relatives in 1994 and now the UN wants to persecute the military which rescued her. Every student will be paid Per Diem according to how many protest he/she has carried out.
  2. Ladies students from Rwanda who are Tutsis are also encouraged to brand Hutu students who are either class mates or workmates in order to divert attention from the UN Mapping and continue to underpin Hutus as genocidaires. This will scare all Hutu intellectuals away from campaigning for the implementation of the UN Mapping report. When Hutus living or studying in the USA and Canada are living under fear of being labeled genocidaires will not have time to write or call for the full implementation of this flawed UN Mapping report.
  3. All Tutsi genocide survivors living in the United Stated are also encouraged to distance themselves from the RPF traitors such as Gahima and Rudasingwa who have been challenging the Kagame administration which arrested the 1994 genocide. "I have to remind you that even their in-law Willis Shalita disowned them in his recent press briefing," Kimonyo said.
  4. The leaders of these Rwandan Students groups were presented to the students so that they will be sending their weekly reports on what has been done to the preparation of the mass protest which is going to take place in New York in the weeks ahead on the date yet published.
The meeting concluded with the remarks that Rwandan students especially from Tutsi community must understand that this is the only way to protest and ensure the survival of the Kigali regime because if the court to carry out justice is set up then all the Kigali officials are going to be jailed and Hutus are going to take back power and control Tutsis.
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