
Friday, October 8, 2010

Rwanda charges Ugandans for subversion

Friday, 8th October, 2010

By Barbara Among

TWO Ugandans arrested by the Rwandan government last month will be charged with subversion.

Simpson Mpirirwe and Dadas Ndamiye an accountant in Kabale-based radio station, were arrested last month at Cyanika boarder post on Rwanda side.

A Subversion charge is a political crime related to plans to over throw a government.

Subversion charges are mostly lamped on political dissidents.

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, James Mugume, said the Rwanda government informed Uganda that the two would be charged.

“The consular said they would be charged with subversion,” said Mugume.

“When charged they would then be allowed to have legal representation from Uganda.”

Mugume said Rwanda has, however, accepted visits from their families and the consular.

He revealed that the Ugandan Consular visited them and they were in good health, feeding well and were not tortured.

He however said that the government would only get involved in the case after the two have been taken to court.

“We would not want to interfere with their legal system but hope it will all be a fair process,” Mugume said.
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