
Sunday, October 17, 2010

OPJDR is calling for immediate and unconditional release for Ms. Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza, President of the FDU-INKINGI.

October 17, 2010

Organization for Peace, Justice and Development in Rwanda, (OPJDR) a human rights organization established in the United States of America, is calling for immediate and unconditional release for Ms. Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza, President of the yet to be registered opposition political party United Democratic Force- FDU INKINGI.

According to Mr. Eric Kayiranga, spokesperson of Rwanda National Police, Ms. Victoire Ingabire has been arrested in Kigali on October 14, 2010 for allegedly participating in the formation of an unknown armed terrorist organization called Coalition for Democratic Forces (CDF).

One recalls that Ms. Victoire Umuhoza had already been arrested in April 2010 for divisionism, genocide ideology, negationnism and collaboration with a terrorist group. She was later released on bail but put on extended house arrest, and could not leave the capital city of Kigali. Now one wonders how somebody in house arrest can contribute to the formation of a terrorist group.

Police states that her detention has been triggered by the arrest the day before of one Major Vital UWUMUREMYI, former member of FDRL who was mandated to recruit and start a new rebellion to overthrow the government of Rwanda. This statement contradicts the fact that Ms. Victoire Ingabire‘s residence has been surrounded by police starting October 8, 2010. It appears that Ms Ingabire is being harassed for her political opinions and not of any subversive activities.

According to the latest information available, Ms. Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza is being held at Kicukiro Police station in inhumane and degrading conditions. In fact she is seating and sleeping on concrete cement floor and handcuffed 24 hours a day. She has been prevented from receiving visits and daily meals from her friends and lawyer. Even the Red Cross has not been authorized to meet her. Therefore, OPJDR calls and pleads for the following urgent actions:

1. To the Government of Rwanda.
To unconditionally and immediately release Ms. Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza and other political prisoners including Bernard Ntaganda of PS Imberakuri incarcerated since June 2010 and now under intensive care in hospital for harsh treatment in prison, Mr. Deogratias Mushyayidi, Mr. Charles Ntakirutinka and Theoneste Niyitegeka, all incarcerated for their political opinions. The government of Rwanda should understand that having dissent opinions does not make anybody a criminal or enemy of state.

2. To the International Community.
Personal appeals are made to President Barack Obama of the United States of America and Prime Minister David Cameron of the United Kingdom, and all leaders of countries members of European Union, Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations to stand for the people of Rwanda and ask President Paul Kagame to free all political prisoners, respect human rights, and open up the political space to allow democracy takes roots in Rwanda as the main ingredient of avoiding cyclical conflict in that country. 

Pascal Kalinganire
Coordinator General

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