
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

5th DAY IN JAIL: Deep concern over ailing health conditions of Ms. Victoire INGABIRE.

Latest Press Releases
The health of the FDU-INKINGI incarcerated Chair, Ms. Victoire INGABIRE UMUHOZA, is causing real fears after police sources leakage confirmed that the opposition leader is ailing with unknown condition due to ill-treatment. The same sources revealed that in the middle of the night, the jailers rushed in a hired medical Doctor for pulse check and examinations. He immediately prescribed and administered some medications. This was confirmed by our other reliable sources today. We request for a medical parole. She should be moved urgently to hospital and given the right to be seen by an independent doctor vetted by her lawyer. We call upon General Paul KAGAME to grant permission to this end without any delay and to set his opponents free.
Early morning, when the FDU-INKINGI local team brought the breakfast they noticed contradicting behaviours from the jailers, one informing that she needed extra bread while the other one said she was still asleep. They never allowed them to see her. At 10:00, she was not taken to the RUSORORO Court as announced by the Prosecutor the evening before. She was taken to RUSORORO late in the afternoon, in handcuffs despite her state and hidden from the supporters. No interrogation, no bail hearing. She was later taken back to the police cell. Another troubling incident is the fact that some Military Intelligence agents pretending to work for the International Committee of the Red Cross have been many times seen around. The incident was reported to the ICRC for investigation.
Ms. INGABIRE is persecuted and prosecuted on politically motivated charges. She and the FDU-INKINGI have chosen democracy and non violence. The regime is using the FDLR or any non-existent rebel or terrorist groups for any purpose. The pursuit of FDLR in the DR CONGO was used to justify the invasion of the DRC and the subsequent crimes against humanity, war crimes and a “possible genocide ” according to the UN mapping report and minerals plundering. The same pretext allowed the regime to cause mayhem in the DRC and now it is used to thwart the opposition.
Linking FDU-INKINGI or any of its leaders to FDLR and so called CDF rebel groups has no other purpose but to keep on claiming the status of victim, after the devastating UN report which accused the regime of horrendous crimes against refugees in the DRC.
Ms. Victoire INGABIRE does not believe in violence and war, that is the reason why she has made non violence, her motto. That's the reason why she sacrificed herself for democracy, justice and the dignity of all Rwandans.

It is time for the international backers and lobbies of General Paul KAGAME to remind him to abide by UN minimum standards on the treatment of prisoners and also stress the fact that inflicting emotional or physical pain on suspects or inmates is criminal.
For the FDU INKINGI Support Committee
Eugene Ndahayo,
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