
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The UNHCR Is at It Again: The Rwandan Refugees Profiles in Uganda Might Have Been Sold to Rwanda

Unknown people have broken into the offices of the United Nations Human Rights Commission (UNHRC) and the Refugee Law Project in Kampala, Uganda and made away with documents containing asylum applications for a big number of Rwandan refugees. sources reveal that the incident happened in the last two weeks but no action has been taken by the two organizations while the applicants are thoroughly disappointed and fear for their lives. They are stranded in Kampala-trapped left and right.

A Refugee's testimony ......
The so called a planned burglary at the ofice of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees in Uganda makes me remember the all preplanned incidents of attacked and protection denial against Hutu refugees of which the UNHCR was involved. Only dead person who does no longer remember what the UNHCR did to Rwandan Hutu refugees since 1994. In fact, all miseries and killings that Hutu refugees experienced around the region were UNHCR motivated incidents. Who can forget the daily calling upon the Hutu refugees to go back to Rwanda since October 1994 and yet the UNHCR knew very well that the killings against the ethnic Hutus were going on on large scale? We cannot forget that more than 99% of all Hutu refugees living in Kenya were denied identification documents by the UNHCR simply because they are of Hutu tribe. I have to remind you that most of these refugees who do not have any protection from UNHCR are children and women. The reason behind this denial of legal documents it is because the members of UNHCR staff were given bribes by Kigali government of Kagame or some of the employees are the agents of Kagame government who fled to Kenya at around 1959 during the Rwandan revolution which gave Rwanda independence.
 Other incidents are the time that UNHCR reduced the retio that was destined to Hutu refugees living in the refugee camps of Goma and Bukavu where the food provision was reduced to 2/3 in order to make refugees starve and force them to go back to Rwanda. Another incident I do not want to forget it is the time when  Sadako Ogatha came to meet the Hutu refugees who had been wandering into the forests of DR Congo since October 1996 when the RPF attacked their camps, and she told all the refugees who were gathered in Tingi Tingi that they deserved to be all dead. This incident of losing all the Rwandan refugee's profile and files from the UNHCR Ugandan office reminds me the other report of the possible genocide that was committed against the Hutus by the RPF in DRC:,,,,
Our sources say it was not a case of burglary because the said offices are high profile and well guarded, all day-all week. The real story is that agents reportedly working for the Rwanda government bribed officials in the said offices to “lose” the files which were still being processed to enable fleeing Rwandans in Uganda head to distant countries mainly in Europe and USA.

Our informers say the Rwandan government suspects that fugitives in neighbouring countries are planning to launch an attack on their home.

Our sources say files lost total in thousands and will spark off widespread protests against the UNHCR which has been previously accused of aiding the forceful repatriation of Rwandan refugees from Uganda.

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