
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Published First by the Confused Eagle
After winning reelection with 93% of the ballots cast Paul Kagame the President of Rwanda has revealed the issue that is causing Him the most anger. His Government is angry that the US Congress passed the Congo Conflict Minerals Act as part of the Financial Reform Bill. It is widely reported that the Rwandan Government is benefiting from the illicit trade in the Eastern Part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Only a Guilty Party would react like this don't you think?

Both Human Rights Watch and ENOUGH have released reports documenting the actions of the Lord's Resistance Army since President Obama signed the LRA Disarmament Bill into Law. It is widely known that the US strategy has to be presented to Congress no later than the Night Before Thanksgiving. Already we are hearing that the Kabila Government will coordinate with AFRICOM so part of the strategy may already be in place. Implementing it may be something different however. The LRA has shown very adept at using the terrain of the region to its advantage.

Here is something that is interesting to me. The closer we get to any election in Uganda the Museveni Government always screams that the ADF (Allied Democratic Forces) are a threat to the Country. Why haven't they said the same thing about the LRA? Unless they figure that they created one endgame scenario for one group lets see if lightning can strike twice?

Rumor has it that there may be a shake up with the Sudan Policy Team in the White House. Gen Scott Gration may be taking up an new position in Kenya on behalf of the Administration. This could happen especially if there is a bloodbath in the Mid-Term Elections this fall. If this occurs I hope that He does a better Job in Kenya than what He has done in Sudan.

Another potential Area of Concern: Reports are indicating that there has been an increase in the number of and frequency in the number of attacks against Oil Platforms in the Niger Delta. A New Government has been in place since the Death of the Previous President in May. This could be a negotiating tactic on behalf of the militants. But some Americans can find a heavy price soon at the pump and this could be a factor.

Here is another fine summer.........

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