
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Rwanda needs Che Guevara to set her people free

Vive Che!Image by waywuwei via Flickr
Rwanda needs Che Guevara to set her people free
This might sound ridiculous to some people and unpopular course to others but I think this is where Rwanda is right now. When the imperialism wanted to take over the South America and Africa Ernesto Che Guevara did not sit down and allow the evil to continue enslaving and exploiting the poor people in the Third World.

Journalist Herbert L. Matthews writes about Guevara in his book, REVOLUTION IN CUBA: "His dedication to his revolutionary beliefs was deeply religious. Che had a missionary's faith in the innate goodness of man, in the ability of workers to dedicate themselves to ideals and to overcome selfishness and prejudices. It was the other side of the coin of his passionate indignation against injustice and exploitation of the humble. He saw the solution in an exalted form of Marxism that would bring freedom and brotherhood. Such men are born to be martyrs."

Che always wanted the best of the common man not the best of imperialism and exploitation of the capitalism of USA. Though he was born in a wealthy family and went to good schools and universities with a medical degree,Che always felt that wealthy without transforming the lives of common people is meaningless.
In this time where majority of Rwandans are living under theimperialism repression supported by the United States, they should wake up and know that only they blood and soul will redeem them from the oppression sponsored and carried out by the US imperialism. Rwandans are the victims of the DR Congolese resources and as long as the recession and technology continues to compete on the foreign market especially in this era where China is climbing up steadily the scale of economic growth whereas the western countries are  looking boggled down, Rwandans should know that no one is going to free them unless they stand up like Che and Fidele Castro to resist the imperilment driven by greed from capitalism.

In his farewell later that Che Guevara wrote to Fidel Castro on his way to liberating the Bolivians from the imperialism he had this to say to Cubans and which I find it appropriate also to the people of Rwanda today "Other regions of the world claim the support of my modest efforts. I can do what is forbidden to you because of your responsibility to Cuba, and the time has come for us to separate."
Only Rwandans themselves can stand up and free their country from the imperialism as the Cubans people decided to stand up against the evil of the imperialism and fought to be free and have managed to stand up against the American imperialism.
Every person deserves a right to live free in the land that inherited from his ancestors so it is for every Rwandan. It is absurd for the people of Rwanda to accept to be used by the west to gain a temporal join of the leadership or rule as it might sound forgetting that all the people of Rwanda and their offspring have the right to be in Rwanda and live wherever they choose to because it is their ancestors' land. Kagame is a stooge for the west and he is representing the US interest in the region not the Tutsi interests at all because if it was the case he could not have allowed his thirst for blood to take over in 1994 which led to the massacre of around 500,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutuas A man who are pro people like Che could not have accepted that because to Che each blood must be preserved for the common good of the common man. Which Kagame does not have and even stand for. All Rwandans who are in schools now whether within Rwanda or outside of Rwanda should know that Rwanda needs the Che of Rwanda to liberate her people from the modern slavery and neo colonialsim instituted by the British and Americaqn government. CHe was a doctor from a wealthy family but he came to learn that fame without a free and just neighborhood is as eating a pizza in the wash room.
Many Rwandans have opportunities to be working in the so called modern world but they must remember that home and their own home need to be free from the darkness before they start claiming to be the literate people. We want a Rwanda where all Rwandans should be treated equal and no one should be hurt or killed because of holding a different opinion, no one should be brutalized because he or she comes from that tribe not this tribe.

What will you say when your children ask you what you studied in school whereas your people are still intimidated, harassed,and even killed because of their social background?

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