
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Rwanda: Very Sad Day for Rwanda Today. Rwandans Need Your Help

By Jennifer Fierberg, MSW
Mrs Victoire Ingabire is a 41 year old mother of three. She had a very good job in the Netherlands where she had been studying during the 1994 genocide. In 2009, she resigned her job to go back to Rwanda and participate in the presidential elections this August 2010. She was back in Rwanda on Jan 17, 2010 after 16 years in exile. She was recognized by all as the main leader of the Rwandan non-violent political opposition.
After 3 months of fabricating evidence, today the RPF Rwandan government arrested her. The current Rwandan government’s abuse of prisoners has been documented by many human rights groups including Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International. Mrs Ingabire is currently at risk of torture, or even death while incarcerated.
Today is a very sad day for Rwanda because the current Rwandan government is sending a message that if you participate peacefully in the country’s political process, there is a price to pay. If the government thinks that the people may vote for you, you will be jailed. This disrespect for human rights and democracy is exactly what caused the 1994 genocide in Rwanda.
The extremists’ belief that the only way to resolve political issues is through violence is exactly what caused the genocide. For 50 years, there has never been a peaceful transfer of power in Rwanda. Every president of Rwanda who has ever lost power lost it only by being killed or by being jailed. Mrs Victoire Ingabire believed in a new Rwanda. A new Rwanda where power can be changed peacefully, at the ballot box.
Today is a turning point in Rwanda’s future. What happens from now on will determine whether the 50 year curse of using violence to make political change in Rwanda remains the only way possible. Or whether non-violent peaceful democratic ways championed by Mrs Ingabire remain a viable option to create political change in Rwanda.
Below are 5 examples of actions you can take to help the Rwandan people in this very dark moment of Rwandan history:
1. Donate to Mrs Ingabire’s Legal Defense Fund at
In the Comments field, please note “Ingabire’s Legal Defense Fund”
2. Contact your local Human Rights Watch office and let them know of today’s injustice.
Contact info can be found at:
3. Contact Amnesty International Secretariat and let them know of today’s injustice.
Contact info can be found at:
4. Contact Mrs Ingabire’s party and let them know that you stand with Rwandan people in this peaceful struggle for peace, equality, and human rights for all Rwandans.
Contact info can be found at:
5. Contact any other organizations you can think of such as media, human rights organizations, international aid groups, embassies.
As peace-loving Rwandan people, we call upon you to help us convince General Kagame’s current Rwandan government that this dangerous escalation is not in the government’s interests and it is not in the interests of any peace-loving person on earth. We thank you in advance!
Aimable Mugara
A concerned Rwandan citizen
Submitted by: Jennifer Fierberg, MSW
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Who will get justice for the Bambuti? They have been exterminated in Congo by Ugandan-backed MLC and Rwandan-backed RCD rebels

by Kambale Musavuli on Sunday, October 31, 2010 at 3:21am
Reports of genocide click here to watch a video of pygmy people dancing
In 2003, Sinafasi Makelo, a representative of Mbuti pygmies, told the UN's Indigenous People's Forum that during the Congo Civil War, his people were hunted down and eaten as though they were game animals. In neighbouring North Kivu province there has been cannibalism by a group known as Les Effaceurs ("the erasers") who wanted to clear the land of people to open it up for mineral exploitation. Both sides of the war regarded them as "subhuman" and some say their flesh can confer magical powers. Makelo asked the UN Security Council to recognise cannibalism as a crime against humanity and an act of genocide. According to Minority Rights Group International there is extensive evidence of mass killings, cannibalism and rape of Pygmies and have urged the International Criminal Court to investigate a campaign of extermination against pygmies. Although they have been targeted by virtually all the armed groups, much of the violence against Pygmies is attributed to the rebel group, the Movement for the Liberation of Congo, which is part of the transitional government and still controls much of the north, and their allies (RCD-Goma - Rwandan backed rebel groups, and Ugandan soldiers).

Pygmies struggle to survive in war zone where abuse is routine
A threatened people are taken advantage of by everyone

DR Congo pygmies 'exterminated'

DR Congo pygmies appeal to UN
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Saturday, October 30, 2010

La vraie identité de Paul Kagame, "l'homme de terreur" du Rwanda

Extrait de Gaspard MUSABYIMANA, La vraie nature du FPR/APR d'Ouganda en Rwanda, Paris: L'Harmattan, 2003, pp. 60-67

Kagame est né le 23 octobre 1957 sur la colline de Nyarutovu dans la commune Tambwe, Préfecture de Gitarama, près du centre de Ruhango. Il est fils de Rutagambwa, du clan des Bega [Voici la généalogie simplifié de Kagame: Kagame- Rutagambwa- Kampayana- Cyigenza (frère de la reine Kanjogera épouse du Roi Rwabugiri et mère du roi Musinga)- Rwakagara (père de la reine Kanjogera)- Gaga- Mutezintare -Buhura- Sesonga- Makara alias Rwangabami- Kiramira- Mucuzi- Nyantabana- Bugirande-Ngoga- Gihinira- Makara alias Muziwabega]. Sa mère est la sœur de Rosalie Gicanda, épouse du Roi Mutara Rudahigwa mort en 1959. De par cette double appartenance, Kagame est très proche de la lignée royale portée au pouvoir par le coup d'Etat sanglant de Rucunshu et au cours duquel les Abanyiginya, dont le roi Rutalindwa et sa famille, furent exterminés par les Abega. L'opposition entre les Abega et les Banyiginya, depuis ces temps reculés, revient au grand jour avec le réveil de l'ex-roi Kigeri du clan Abanyiginya qui, de son exil aux Etats-Unis d'Amérique, revendique sa légitimité à la place Kagame du clan des Abega.
Kagame partit avec ses parents en exil en 1961 en Uganda, à Gahunge, dans le district de Toro. Son père y est mort quelques années après. Sa maman a fait appel à l'aide des amis et des parentés pour pouvoir élever ses enfants. Parmi ses bienfaiteurs, la plus importante fut Rosalie Gicanda, ex-Reine du Rwanda, morte dans le génocide rwandais de 1994 à Butare. Le nommé Benzinge Boniface, actuel secrétaire de Kigeli en Amérique, prit Kagame chez lui pour diminuer la charge familiale. De Chez Benzinge, Kagame allait passer quelques jours chez Kigeri, le dernier roi du Rwanda, dans sa résidence de Kampala. En Uganda, Kagame fit des études secondaires infructueuses successivement à la Ntare School de Mbarara au sud de l'Uganda et à la Old Kampala School de Kampala de 1972 à 1976. A Kigali, en privé, on le surnomme siniya fo (senior four) pour dire qu'il a fait quatre ans post-primaires. A l'école secondaire, Kagame était connu pour son cynisme et son esprit revanchard qu'il avait le surnom de Kagome (le méchant). Renvoyé de l'école, Kagame est devenu un enfant de la rue (street child) comme on en rencontre dans bon nombre de villes africaines. Il se débrouillait en vendant des arachides grillées aux passants ou des œufs à la coque connus sous le nom d'ebimeneka (qui peut se casser). Il s'est livré par après à des opérations de change, en écoulant de faux shillings ugandais. Pour ce faire, il effectuait beaucoup de navettes entre Kampala et Naïrobi au Kenya.
Quand Museveni prit le maquis en 1981 après avoir été battu dans des élections, il partit avec quelques jeunes rwandais dont Rwigema Fred. Le recrutement continua et Rwigema dut se souvenir de son ami d'enfance. C'est ainsi qu'il alla chercher Kagame. Dans le maquis, Kagame fut très maladif. Il avait notamment un ulcère d'estomac et une grande déficience visuelle. Rwigema plaida en sa faveur et Kagame fut affecté à la récolte des informations, pour lui éviter les dures campagnes militaires.
A la victoire de Museveni en janvier 1986, Kagame est nommé chef des Services de Renseignements militaires de l'Armée ugandaise, la DMI (Directorate Military Intelligence), la même qu'on retrouve aujourd'hui au Rwanda, avec pour chef Jacques Nkurunziza, alias Jackson Nziza, ugandais de souche et ex-adjoint de Kagame à la DMI ugandaise. Nziza est de la province du Bufumbira, non loin de la frontière, du côté de la préfecture Ruhengeri. Son frère fut longtemps Directeur de l'Office des Cafés en Uganda A la tête des renseignements militaires, Kagame a été caractérisé par une méchanceté indescriptible qui lui a valu le nom de PILATO, comparaison à Ponce Pilate qui a ordonné la mort de Jésus Christ. Ceux qui le connaissent rapportent qu'il enfermait ses prisonniers dans des containers et jetait les clés. Il employait des militaires sous ses ordres pour piller et lui rapporter le butin. On rapporte qu'un jour, un de ses militaires est allé voler avec son arme dans Mulago Village à Kampala. Il fut attrapé et révéla qu'il était envoyé par Kagame. Celui-ci le convoqua et le mit à mort. Au sujet de cette méchanceté extrême, il est connu que ses interrogatoires étaient toujours musclés. E. Ndahayo (2000, p. 89), un des ses connaisseurs (il a été Directeur de cabinet du Ministre de l'information dans le Gouvernement du FPR, entre juillet 1994 et août 1995) souligne : les prouesses de délinquant du jeune Kagame et de ses pairs dans les milieux du vol et crime organisé de Kampala et de Naïrobi, et de son parcours de tortionnaire au sein des services de securité ougandais. Mr N., un ex-militant du PSD (Parti Social Démocrate), m'a décrit Kagame presque dans les mêmes termes. Leur rencontre à Kampala en 1991 lui a donné l'impression de quelqu'un qui a reçu une éducation de la rue. Il m'a dit: «Kagame s'embarrasse pas mal du savoir-vivre. Ntabwo yarezwe: il n'a pas reçu une bonne éducation» (Entretien avec N. à Bruxelles en novembre 2001). Un autre témoignage sur Kagame soulignant son caractère «méchant» nous vient de Uganda Democratic Coalition (janvier 1993), un mouvement d'opposition au pouvoir de Yoweri Museveni ayant son siège aux Etats-Unis d'Amérique. Pour ce Mouvement, Kagame a été caractérisé, dans ses fonctions de Chef de Renseignements militaires ugandais, par des tortures atroces qu'il infligeait à ces victimes, comme par exemple: asphyxier la victime en couvrant sa tête d'un papier en plastique, serré autour du cou par une corde jusqu'à ce que mort s'en suive; mettre des décharges électriques sur les organes génitaux de ses victimes; attacher une grosse pierre sur des organes génitaux jusqu'à ce que la victime s'évanouisse, ce qui provoquait la mort ou de graves séquelles psychologiques ou physiologiques; lier les bras et les jambes derrière le dos: la victime, devenue comme une boule, mourrait par éclatement. La torture est connue sous le terme ougandais de akandooya.
Kagame s'est marié en 1989 à Kampala à Jeannette Murefu, fille de Murefu, ex-tenancier du café Eden Garden à Kigali au Rwanda et appartenant à l'ex-Président du MRND, Matthieu Ngirumpatse. Murefu venait de rentrer de son exil du Burundi. Parti pour les cérémonies de mariage de sa fille à Kampala, il ne reviendra plus au Rwanda et s'installera à Jinja avec sa famille, prévenu probablement de l'attaque imminente du Rwanda. Avant son mariage, Madame Jeannette Kagame a vécu avec ses parents à Bujumbura puis elle est allée à Naïrobi au Kenya où ses études étaient financées par l'homme d'affaires H. M., grand frère de Robert Kajuga, Président de la milice Interahamwe. Jeannette Kagame a travaillé, pendant un petit temps, dans la société Spie Batignolles à Naïrobi pour rejoindre finalement Kampala où elle a travaillé avant de se marier. Après son mariage, Kagame fut envoyé, en juin 1990, aux Etats-Unis d'Amérique pour un stage de commandement militaire (Command Staff) à Fort Leaven Worth au Kansas. Après quelques 3 mois, Kagame interrompit son stage et arriva au front le 14/10/1990 pour remplacer Fred Gisa Rwigema à la tête du FPR-Inkotanyi.
De retour donc des USA, Kagame réorganisa son armée qui avait été refoulée hors du territoire rwandais le 30/10/1990. Celle-ci gagna la guerre en juillet 1994 après avoir défait les Forces Armées Rwandaises (FAR). Le FPR s'empara du pouvoir et forma son Gouvernement le 19/07/1994 dans lequel Kagame fut Vice-Président et Ministre de la Défense Nationale. Il fut également élu chef du Parti FPR. A la démission du Président Pasteur Bizimungu, Kagame fut investi comme Président et Commandant Suprême (High Commander) de l'Armée Patriotique Rwandaise (APR).
Kagame est un homme qui ne supporte pas la contradiction. Le capitaine Kayitare, à en croire des sources du FPR, serait mort pour cette raison. Commando hors du commun qui a dirigé avec succès des opérations sur les villes de Ruhengeri le 23/01/1991 et de Byumba le 5/06/1992, il était parvenu à se faire une renommée parmi les membres du FPR. Lors d'une des exhibitions qui avaient lieu à Mulindi pour un fund raising, la chanteuse Kamaliza venue de Bujumbura lui dédia une chanson, séance tenante. Il le magnifiait en le comparant au lion (la chanson est elle-même intitulée Intare c'est-à-dire le lion) qui, par son courage, fait peur à ses ennemis (intare yaciye ibintu), au bouclier qui remporte la victoire après avoir terrassé les ennemis (ngabo itsinze, ihashya ababisha). Kagame ne digéra pas ce militaire qui lui faisait ombrage. Car non seulement le lion est courageux mais aussi il est le roi de la forêt. Le message était clair. Kayitare pouvait même supplanter Kagame à la tête du FPR. Un jour qu'il était au sommet de la colline de Murore en commune Cyumba où il supervisait une opération militaire fin 1992, Kayitare fut appelé par radio pour une urgence dans leur état-major à Mulindi. Il devait descendre la montagne de Murore, traverser la théiculture de la vallée de Ngondore et monter vers Mulindi. C'est dans la théiculture qu'il a été arrosé de balles et rendit l'âme. Sa mort provoqua la consternation dans les rangs du FPR mais également les FAR n'en revenaient pas de façon que lors de son inhumation, le Commandant des FAR à Byumba, le Colonel Bahufite, se rendit à la cérémonie car il croyait en la paix avec les négociations d'Arusha.
Kagame ne cache jamais ses plans criminels car il sait que personne ne peut y croire tellement leur réalisation est inimaginable pour un homme normal. A Kibuye, en 1995, il a traité les réfugiés hutu de l'ex-Zaïre de «chiens» et a juré de les poursuivre là où ils sont. Il a mis cette idée en exécution en bombardant leurs camps en octobre 1996, en tuant au moins 200.000 d'entre eux et en achevant les rescapés arrivés à Tingi-Tingi et à Mbandaka. Le Rapport Garreton, dans ses différentes versions, est éloquente à ce sujet. Après qu'il ait dit, en août 1996, dans un meeting à Nyamirambo, qu'avec une petite capsule ou une petite cuillère, on peut vider un tonneau, Kagame est passé aux actes. Pour lui, le fait que les Hutu soient nombreux ne constitue pas un problème. Cette métaphore donne une idée de l'ampleur de sa méchanceté et de son ethnisme. Il suffit de tuer les Hutu, petit à petit, jusqu'à les exterminer. A la manière d'une goutte d'eau qui tombe du tonneau sans discontinuer. Le tonneau finira par se vider si le petit trou n'est pas colmaté. Les événements passés et récents confirment cette politique d'annihilation de l'ethnie hutu. En effet des tueries massives des Hutu ont eu lieu surtout depuis 1994 : les massacres de Kibeho, le nettoyage du Nord du pays, les camps de concentration et de crémation notamment dans le Parc National de l'Akagera.
En calculateur avisé qu'il est, Kagame aurait toujours le passeport diplomatique ugandais qu'il avait obtenu lorsqu'il était à la tête des services secrets de l'armée ugandaise. En effet, sous le titre : Rwandese leaders still hold ugandan passports (les dirigeants rwandais détiennent toujours des passeports ugandais), le journal Sunday Vision du 8 janvier 1995 l'a confirmé et a même ajouté que le président Museveni lui-même a déclaré que «son gouvernement ne s'est pas dérangé jusqu'ici pour demander à ces dirigeants de les restituer» (government has up now not bothered to ask the rwandese leaders to surrender the passports). Bien qu'il se soit investi Président rwandais, la détention de ce passeport laisse croire qu'il n'a pas abandonné son numéro de matricule dans l'armée ugandaise.
Le journal ugandais The Monitor du 26 au 28 octobre 1994, parle lui aussi de 24,49 millions de shillings ugandais que Kagame devait à l'Uganda Commercial Bank LTD (UCB). C'est un crédit douteux que tous les officiers proches de Museveni ont pris après la victoire de la NRA en 1986. Fred Rwigema est mort sans rembourser 20,28 millions de shillings ugandais à cette banque. Un ancien ministre ugandais de la justice, John Mulenga, auquel l'ambassadeur rwandais accrédité à Kampala faisait remarquer, après l'attaque du FPR en octobre 1990, la nationalité ugandaise des attaquants notamment par la détention de certains d'entre eux de passeports diplomatiques ugandais, faveur qui ne peut être accordée à un réfugié, a répondu que la loi ugandaise était si libérale qu'elle était muette sur la nationalité des personnes devant être incorporées dans l'armée ugandaise. Même le Président Museveni déclara un jour que l'un des membres de son cabinet, le Général Moses Ali était un soudanais qui n'a régularisé sa nationalité ugandaise que sous son régime alors qu'il était dans l'armée depuis les années 1960 (Bukeye, 1994).

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Friday, October 29, 2010


by Charles Onyango-Obbo on Friday, October 29, 2010 at 4:39am
The state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations (most commonly referred to by its short name Rhode Island) in the US will next week on November 2 vote on whether to change its official name by dropping the words "and Providence Plantations."
   To some, the words evokes reminders of Rhode Island's prime role in the trans-Atlantic slave trade.
As it happens, lately I have been doing some private research on slavery, and the striking thiNG is that while there is a lot material oN the trafficking of African slaves to Europe and the Americas, there is comparatively little about an earlier trade – the sale of African slaves in the Arab Middle East.
   One reason for that is that there are virtually no descendants of African slaves in Arab Middle East, so no one to fight to keep their memory alive.
   Even leading African scholars like our own Prof. Ali Mazrui tend to say little about this sale of Africans to Arab Middle East – in his case, because it raises awkward questions.
   The question then is, why did African slaves perish in the Arab Middle East? One reason is that while in Europe and the Americas African slaves were taken to work in plantations and industries, in the Middle East they were mostly domestic labour.
    Partly for that reason, the African slaves were castrated. As eunuchs, they couldn’t have sex with their “masters’” wives, daughters, sisters, aunts, and cousins. Some (not all) of their owners had another vested in turning them into eunuchs – the slaves became rounded around the hips like women. So in the night the Sultans would be in the embrace of their wives or mistresses, and during the day they would be caressing the buttocks of the eunuchs.
  An even more tragic thing about eunuchs, it that to create one eunuch, according to some accounts, you needed 20 men. The other 19 perish after castration, from infections and bleeding to death!
    Thirdly, unlike the trans-Atlantic slave trade, the one to the Middle East included very few women. Thus even if the African slaves in the Arab world weren’t castrated, they would not have been able to reproduce, because it would have been nearly impossible to find a female companion.
       Even in the Americas, whereas the white slave owners everyday went about picking a strong-backed African woman to sleep with, the male slaves did not have any opportunities to sleep with white women. In this way, the slave footprint largely disappeared in the Arab world, but a few survived in the Americas and Europe! All this is remarkable, considering that millions of African slaves directed in horrid conditions in slave ships on the way to Europe and the America—that they should still survive there, but there is hardly a trace of them up north.
*I don’t focus on the global slave figures here, deliberately. It can be too emotive. Briefly, some of the latest numbers suggest that possibly up to 180 million our people were affected.
The horror inside a slave ship.

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by Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza for President on Friday, October 29, 2010 at 1:41pm

Ms. Victoire INGABIRE's courage is inspiring, the symbol of our resistance.

Today, FDU INKINGI team managed to visit Ms. Victoire INGABIRE in the Kigali 1930 maximum prison. They were inspired by her courage to resist the oppressor, to keep her head straight.She asked them to spread the word that only the courage will bring about the change Rwandans are longing for. "You will never achieve a revolution without sacrifices. The only weapon you need is courage. You all have it deep inside, set it free, and our people will be free forever".

Ms. Victoire INGABIRE, the FDU-INKINGI Chair, is a living example of courage, patriotism and strength. She is a fear-busting symbol.She is the right person Rwandans needed for the change. She is how Amelia Earhart (Courage, 1927) describes this noble value: "Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace". She is the one.

 FDU INKINGI Secretariat.

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hero of 'Hotel Rwanda' is declared enemy of the state

SOURCE:The independent

Man who saved Tutsis during the genocide says 'the government is coming after me'
By Daniel Howden, Africa Correspondent

Paul Rusesabagina is in fear for his life
Paul Rusesabagina is in fear for his life
The man made famous by the film Hotel Rwanda and credited with saving more than 1,200 Tutsis during the 1994 genocide said yesterday that he fears for his life after the country's President made him "an enemy of the state".
Paul Rusesabagina, a former hotel manager currently living in Brussels where he says his home has been repeatedly ransacked, will be charged in Rwanda with links to a terrorist group.
Rwanda's chief prosecutor said this week that Mr Rusesabagina has been financing commanders in the FDLR, a rebel army across the border in the Democratic Republic of Congo made up from ethnic Hutus responsible for the 1994 genocide.
Mr Rusesabagina, who was portrayed by Don Cheadle in the acclaimed 2004 film has denied sending any money to the region and accused the government in Kigali of seeking to silence its critics. "They are coming after me," he told The Independent. "While I'm in Brussels I remain in danger, they're following my every step."
The winner in 2005 of the highest civil honour in the US, the Presidential Freedom Medal, said he was nearly killed three years ago in a car crash he claims was an attempted assassination. His home in the Belgian capital has been ransacked three times. The latest burglary was last week, during which he says a number of documents in Kinyarwandan, the language spoken primarily in Rwanda, were stolen.
Mr Rusesabagina has been one of the highest-profile critics of the government of Paul Kagame, who was re-elected earlier this year after a campaign marred by the killing of dissidents and a crackdown on opposition groups.
His Hotel Rwanda-Rusesabagina Foundation has called for a Truth and Reconciliation process in the country and warned that government oppression could lead to a fresh genocide in the Great Lakes region.
"Rwanda has become a big open prison where Kagame is the chief warden," said Mr Rusesabagina. "There is no free man in that country."
The anticipated charges are based on evidence provided by captured rebel commanders, Rwandan prosecutor Martin Ngoga said on Tuesday. "Those who want to continue considering him as a hero can go on. We consider him a serious criminal suspect who has been financing FDLR and we are challenging whoever speaks on his behalf to tell us whether he never sent money to these FDLR commanders we have in custody."
After the release of Hotel Rwanda Mr Rusesabagina was celebrated as a hero and humanitarian around the world. This stoked resentment in government circles in Kigali where the president has referred to him as "the Hollywood-made hero".
Mr Rusesabagina said accusations that he has been funding rebel groups were "fabrications" and that he would be happy to face trial in Belgium if necessary, where he is now a citizen. "I'm not surprised that they would go as far as making things up, even documents, they are very cunning," he said.
The move against another high-profile critic of the Kagame government comes at a time of rising concern for human rights and democracy in Rwanda. Until recently Mr Kagame was credited with overseeing a miracle in the mountainous nation as it quickly recovered from 100 days of ethnic slaughter that killed nearly one million people. A country made infamous by one of the worst atrocities of the late 20th century has steadily become better known for gourmet coffee, gorilla tourism and its ambitions to be a central African hub for hi-tech industries.
Mr Kagame, who led the Tutsi rebel forces that overthrew the Hutu government in 1994 and effectively ended the genocide, was widely seen as a disciplined and effective modernising force. That lustre has been lost in the past 12 months amid a crackdown against all opposition before elections in August. Newspapers were closed, credible opposition groups were prevented from registering to take part and dissidents, including a journalist and an opposition leader, killed.
In the absence of serious opposition the President won by a landslide. The Rwandan government denied involvement in any of the attacks or killings and vowed to fully investigate any criminal actions. Since the vote there has been no let-up in the pressure on Mr Kagame's critics and the best known of the opposition leaders, Victoire Ingabire, was re-arrested earlier this week and is facing a possible life sentence over an alleged terrorist plot.
Mr Kagame has also fallen out with the United Nations recently after it issued a report which accused his government of conducting mass killings of ethnic Hutus across the border in Congo. A draft of the UN report was leaked prior to publication amid fears that Kigali would succeed in having references to the attacks as "genocidal" removed from the final document.
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Rusesabagina Denies Supporting Rwanda Hutu Rebels

Rwandan peace activist Paul Rusesabagina inspired the film Hotel Rwanda
Paul Rusesabagina, the man who inspired the film Hotel Rwanda has described as “simple and pure lies”  Rwanda government accusations that he financially supported the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR), a rebel group.
The Hutu rebel group is accused of perpetrating Rwanda’s 1994 genocide in which hundreds of thousands of Rwandans were killed in a 100-day massacre spree.
“There has never been any link between myself and the FDLR. It is not because I condemned all the FDLR people because I know they are criminals, but there are also innocent people. I am a humanitarian and… I believe that the best and worse weapon in a human being’s arsenal is not a missile, it’s not a gun, but words,” said Rusesabagina.
Rwanda’s top prosecutor said Wednesday that Mr. Rusesabagina and jailed opposition figure Victoire Ingabire help finance the Hutu rebels.
The rebels are also accused of committing atrocities and crimes against humanity in neighboring Democratic Republic of Congo.
Rusesabagina, who is globally hailed by many as a hero, was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2005, the highest civilian honor in the U.S. by former President George W. Bush.
Rusesabagina has been a harsh critic of Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame. He recently, condemned the jailing of leading opposition leader Victoire Ingabire who is accused of conspiring to form a terrorist group.
Rusesabagina said the accusations form part of President Paul Kagame’s plan to intimidate and harass any critic of his administration.
“My foundation has been advocating for truth, equal justice, equal rights and reconciliation commission not only for Rwanda, but also for the Great Lakes region of Africa. We want to solve our troubles around that table rather than with guns,” Rusesabagina said.
He further said that the last time he sent money to Rwanda was in 2002 to his family.
“My younger brother had a brain tumor then we had to hire a medical doctor from South Africa to Kigali. At that time I sent about $1,000 if not less to help. Because I had more money [in] my account in Kigali and I paid that medical doctor, I paid King Faisal hospital with money which was in Kigali,” he said.
Rusesabagina, who currently lives in Belgium also said President Kagame’s government is conducting a smear campaign against him
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The Last Message from Ingabire Victoire Before being taken to the Famous 1930s

The African Female Mandela's last message before jail

by Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza for President on Thursday, October 28, 2010 at 3:03am
The African Female Mandela's last message  before jail.

On October 26th, 2010 Ms. Victoire Ingabire, FDU-INKINGI Chair, was in the night rushed to the infamous Kigali 1930 maximum prison. Very early morning, the jailers removed her hair.

Before jail, she left a chilling message to Rwandans and to all freedom fighters.
"This politically motivated trial and the Court decision to send another freedom fighter to jail is an illustration of lack of independence of our judiciary. It's a wake up call to uproot injustice and dictatorship in the country. They can't put all of us in jail. It's time to show your legacy to future generations: Courage and freedom or silence and death. Rwandans, this is your land, set it free". Translated as:
Uru rubanaza n'urwa Politike kugirango bashire undi munyapolitiki w'Urwanda muburoko. N'ikimenyetso kigaragara ko ntabutabera n'ubwigenge ubucamanza bigira. N'IMPURUZA KU BANA B'URWANDA BOSE guhagurukira rimwe bakarandura akarengane n'igitugu cy'iyi ngoma. Ntibazafunga abana b'Urwanda bose. N'igihe cyo kwereka abazadukomokaho UBUTWARI,n'UWKISHYIRA ukizana. NIMUCECEKA MURASHIZE. Banyarwanda, iki nigihugu cyanyu ntimuri abashage muhaguruke mukibohoze!

We Keep smiling no matter how hard it may get
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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Rwanda says it will charge "Hotel Rwanda" manager for aiding opposition

Edmund Kagire,Jason Straziuso, The Associated Press
Paul Rusesabagina smiles after receiving an honorary degree from the University of Guelph on Tuesday, June 12, 2007. Rusesabagina, the former manager at the Mille Collines hotel, saved more than 1,200 people from slaughter during the Rwandan genocide and inspired the Academy Award-nominated film
Paul Rusesabagina smiles after receiving an honorary degree from the University of Guelph on Tuesday, June 12, 2007. Rusesabagina, the former manager at the Mille Collines hotel, saved more than 1,200 people from slaughter during the Rwandan genocide and inspired the Academy Award-nominated film "Hotel Rwanda."
KIGALI, Rwanda - The Rwandan hotel manager portrayed by Don Cheadle in the movie "Hotel Rwanda" could face charges by Rwandan authorities over allegations the man sent money to opposition commanders, Rwanda's top prosecutor said.
But the former manager, Paul Rusesabagina, told The Associated Press on Wednesday that he hasn't sent any money to Rwanda in years, and that the government is launching a smear campaign against him because he has opposed President Paul Kagame in the past.
Rwanda's top prosecutor, Martin Ngoga, said Rusesabagina helped finance what he described as terrorist activities in Rwanda by helping fund commanders with the FDLR, or Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda. No formal charges have yet been filed.
Ngoga said he is asking U.S. officials for assistance in gathering evidence. Some of the financial transactions he alleges were criminal originated in San Antonio, Texas. Rusesabagina has a house in Texas but said he has never sent money to Burundi or Tanzania as is alleged by Ngoga.
"Those who want to continue considering him as a hero can go on," Ngoga told a news conference late Tuesday. "We consider him a serious criminal suspect who has been financing FDLR and we are challenging whoever speaks on his behalf to tell us whether he never sent money to these FDLR commanders we have in custody."
After his story was publicized in "Hotel Rwanda," Rusesabagina was hailed as a hero around the world. Former U.S. President George W. Bush gave him the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2005, the highest civilian honour in the U.S.
However, the government of Rwanda did not view him as a hero after Rusesabagina began criticizing the regime of Kagame, who has since called Rusesabagina a "manufactured hero," according to Terry George, the director of "Hotel Rwanda."
Rusesabagina, 56, who was released from a hospital operation last week to find that his home in Brussels, Belgium had been broken into and documents stolen, says he has done nothing wrong.
"It is the latest step in a campaign against me by the Rwandan government that has included public insults, lies and physical harassment," Rusesabagina said.
"My foundation is advocating for a truth, justice and reconciliation process to try to foster sustainable peace in Rwanda ... but anyone who opposes Kagame inside or outside the country is treated with this kind of harassment."
More than 500,000 Rwandans, mostly ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutus, were killed in Rwanda's 1994 genocide. Kagame, an ethnic Tutsi, has tried to downplay the role of ethnicity in post-genocide Rwanda, and people in the country rarely refer to themselves as Hutu or Tutsi and can face charges for speaking publicly about ethnicity.
Human rights groups accuse Kagame's regime of iron-fisted control and of silencing opposition politicians and media outlets. Human rights groups and other critics decried the arrest of several opposition figures in the lead-up to Rwanda's August president election, and noted that several others were killed or attacked under suspicious circumstances.
The potential charges against Rusesabagina appear to be intertwined with those against Victoire Ingabire, a Hutu opposition politician who was jailed earlier this month on charges of forming a terrorist group.
Ingabire earlier this year sought representation by Peter Erlinder, a U.S. lawyer who was jailed by Rwandan authorities for about three weeks when he arrived in Rwanda in May to meet with Ingabire. Erlinder was welcomed back to the U.S. in July by Rusesabagina, and the two appeared together on a news program.
"The Kagame regime is beginning to show signs of desperation and lashing out in all directions," Erlinder said Wednesday, adding that the Rwandan government has been working toward charges against Rusesabagina for some time.
"He's already been declared persona non grata by Kagame several years ago," Erlinder said.
Ngoga said that the FDLR commanders in Rwandan custody have given evidence against both Ingabire and Rusesabagina.
Ngoga said Western Union money transfers by Rusesabagina were sent to two commanders in the FDLR with the aim of recruiting fighters for a new military wing of FDU-Inkingi, which is the political party headed by Ingabire.
"We are not talking in general terms, we are mentioning the names, the transactions which were done from San Antonio, Texas," Ngoga said. "It was received in Dar es Salaam and Bujumbura and sent by Paul Rusesabagina himself."
Rusesabagina told AP that the last time he sent money to Rwanda was in 2002 or 2003, and that it totalled at most 1,000 euros ($1,380). He said he supports Ingabire and other opposition candidates through press releases from his foundation and advocates for free, fair and open elections without violence or human rights abuses.
Rusesabagina said he was just released from the hospital following surgery and that when he went to his home in Belgium he discovered someone had broken in his house and stolen documents that are written in a Rwandan language.
"I am asking myself what a Belgian thief might want with documents with only a Rwandan could read?" Rusesabagina said.
Associated Press reporter Jason Straziuso contributed from Nairobi, Kenya. Associated Press writer Amy Forliti in Minneapolis contributed to this report.
On the Internet:
Hotel Rwanda Rusesabagina Foundation:
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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Letter on behalf of Victoire Ingabire sent by Express Mail to each of 4 Representatives

by Frank LeFever on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 at 11:15pm
TO:   US  Representative to Congress
FROM: F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D.
DATE: 26 October 2010
SUBJECT: Peter Erlinder's Rwandan client endangered by re-arrest

You took the lead in Congress to press for the release of Peter Erlinger, who went to Rwanda as defense lawyer for Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza, but was himself arrested. Victoire has been re-arrested, and held in much worse conditions (some of us fear for her life in captivity and the new charges are much more serious. I know you must be preoccupied with the election, but if you can divert some attention to our emergency efforts to end the abuse of a courageous woman in east Africa, you would be serving a significant cause.

This is in the wider context of Kagame's outrage at being in effect indicted for genocide by the UN report leaked last August, forcing an official release October 1. It is also in the context of an ominous Rwandan troop build-up and displacement of refugees from North Kivu. I have much more information regarding Victoire's situation and the east-Congo powder keg.


Please find here below appending a short chronology of events Re: the second arrest and detention of madame Victoire INGABIRE, FDU-INKINGI Chairperson.

08th October - 04:00- Police siege. Until the arrest on 14th october, Victoire INGABIRE remained indoor.

09th October: Victoire asked the police spokesperson what was going on and she was told there was nothing to worry about.

11th October: Victoire reached the Prosecutor RUBERWA on phone and asked whether the bail conditions have changed because of the police siege. The prosecutor seemed to be surprised and promised to ask the Criminal Investigation Department.

14th October- 12:50: a police team entered the property, put Madame Victoire INGABIRE under arrest, and took her to CID headquarters. The police spokesperson informed the public that she is arrested because of new evidence implicating her in the formation of a terrorist organisation and that a key witness was arrested the day before along the DRC common border with documents and details implicating her.

14th October - evening: She is transfered to KICUKIRO police detention facility.

14th October - evening: the FDU INKINGI team brought her a mattress, clothes, blanket and hygienic items. The food was taken to the detention center as well. All the items are given to the guards and never to the detainee.

15th October: two lawyers visited her, and noticed she was still in handcuffs since the arrest. She slept in a seated position on the floor, and no personnal item was provided. She did not eat. The lead lawyer discussed the detention conditions with the security officers and was told that they did not make decision. He rushed to the CID headquarters and left with no assurance that the situation will improve.

16th October: the jailers decided to give only the blanket. She is still in handcuffs. No mattress, no clothes, no hygienic stuff. The lawyer discussed the situation with the hierarchy. In the evening, the handcuffs were removed for the night.

All the food provided is returned untouched. No member of the party or nobody from her house is allowed to see

her, nor to talk to her. Total blackout on her status. At this stage there was no doubt, she was not eating. We did not know whether she was given food or if she was unable to eat because of 24-hour handcuffs.

18th October: she is taken to GASABO Court House for the Prosecutor's interrogation. She is in the same outfit she had the time of her arrest. Her hair is undone, she is in handcuffs and weak.

18th October - late night, a Medical Doctor is rushed to her cell: The blood pressure has dropped dangerously, and some medication is given. The Police accepted this time to give the mattress and hygienic items.

On 19 October, the lawyer asked in a letter to the Police Commissioner to allow the client to go to hospital or to be seen by an independent Doctor.

18th - 21st October: Prosecutor's interrogations at the Gasabo Court House. She is always brought in in handcuffs. She is looking weak, exhausted and under duress.

21st October: Morning hours, the police rushed in again some medical staff and some medication is given again before the afternoon Prosecutor's confrontation exercise with the state-prepared key witness Major Vital UWUMUREMYI.

During the confrontation, the key witness claimed that he was given in 2008 - 2009 at least 1,000 USD to create, train a rebel group and to purchase weapons. He informed that since his repatriation in Rwanda in February 2009, he has never been involved in any other rebel activity. This gives an impression that the terrorist allegations are over 2 years old and that police statements in this respect are not accurate, for a reason.

22nd October: She is again seen by police medical doctor.Until now, people from our political party are not allowed to see her.

A bail hearing is supposed to happen on the 25th October at the GASABO Court House

For more information on her status please don't hesitate to be in touch with the FDU INKINGI Executive members or the lawyer.

Sylvain Sibomana
FDU INKINGI, Secretary General

F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D.
Past President, New York Neuropsychology Group

"Caminante, no hay camino;
se hace camino al andar."
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Monday, October 25, 2010

Victoire INGABIRE detention: A short chronology of events / FOR RELEASE

by Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza for President on Monday, October 25, 2010 at 4:12am

Dear Sir/Madam;

Please find here below appending  a short chronology of events Re: the second arrest and detention of madame Victoire INGABIRE, FDU-INKINGI Chairperson.

08th October - 04:00-  Police siege. Until the arrest on 14th october, Victoire INGABIRE remained indoor.

09th October: Victoire asked the police spokesperson what was going on and she was told there was nothing to worry about.

11th October: Victoire reached the Prosecutor RUBERWA on phone and asked whether the bail conditions have changed because of the police siege. The prosecutor seemed to be surprised and promised to ask the Criminal Investigation Department.

14th October- 12:50:  a police team entered the property, put Madame Victoire INGABIRE under arrest, and took her to CID headquarters. The police spokesperson informed the public that she is arrested because of new evidence implicating her in the formation of a terrorist organisation and that a key witness was arrested the day before along the DRC common border with documents and details implicating her.

14th October - evening: She is transfered to KICUKIRO police detention facility.

14th October - evening: the FDU INKINGI team brought her a mattress, clothes, blanket and hygienic items. The food was taken to the detention center as well. All the items are given to the guards and never to the detainee.

15th October: two lawyers visited her, and noticed she was still in handcuffs since the arrest. She slept in a seated position on the floor, and no personnal item was provided. She did not eat. The lead lawyer discussed the detention conditions with the security officers and was told that they did not make decision. He rushed to the CID headquarters and left with no assurance that the situation will improve.

16th October: the jailers decided to give only the blanket. She is still in handcuffs. No mattress, no clothes, no hygienic stuff. The lawyer discussed the situation with the hierarchy. In the evening, the handcuffs were removed for the night.

All the food provided is returned untouched. No member of the party or nobody from her house is allowed to see her, nor to talk to her. Total blackout on her status. At this stage there was no doubt, she was not eating. We did not know whether she was given food or if she was unable to eat because of 24-hour handcuffs.

18th October: she is taken to GASABO Court House for the Prosecutor's interrogation. She is in the same outfit she had the time of her arrest. Her hair is undone, she is in handcuffs and weak.

18th October - late night, a Medical Doctor is rushed to her cell: The blood pressure has dropped dangerously, and some medication is given. The Police accepted this time to give the mattress and hygienic items.

On 19 October, the lawyer asked in a letter to the Police Commissioner to allow the client to go to hospital or to be seen by an independent Doctor.

18th - 21st October: Prosecutor's interrogations at the Gasabo Court House. She is always brought in in handcuffs. She is looking weak, exhausted and under duress.

21st October:  Morning hours, the police rushed in again some medical staff and some medication is given again before the afternoon Prosecutor's confrontation exercise with the state-prepared key witness Major Vital UWUMUREMYI.

During the confrontation, the key witness claimed that he was given in 2008 - 2009 at least 1,000 USD to create, train a rebel group and to purchase weapons. He informed that since his repatriation in Rwanda in February 2009, he has never been involved in any other rebel activity. This gives an impression that the terrorist allegations are over 2 years old and that police statements in this respect are not accurate, for a reason.

22nd October: She is again seen by police medical doctor.Until now, people from our political party are not allowed to see her.
A bail hearing is supposed to happen on the 25th October at the GASABO Court House

For more information on her status please don't hesitate to be in touch with the FDU INKINGI Executive members or the lawyer.

Sylvain Sibomana
Secretary General
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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Mai-Mai of South-Kivu: Letter to President Joseph Kabila
From         :       P.A.R.C. / Maï-Maï Reformé parc.yak@gmail. com
Mr. President J. Kabila:
Following your most recent address to the Bembe clan leaders in the presence of your minister of defense (Mwando Nsimba), and our constitutional representatives : Hon Jemsy Mulengwa and Kaliba Mulanga (the destitute);
Owing to the most recent attacks by your troops, in which you were determined to wipe off the civilians in Lubichako, Baraka, Ubwari, Mboko, Kabumbe, Swima, Some, and Nemba in South Kivu province where FDLR’s/Nterahamwe cannot be found;
Having uncovered the full intent of the “KIMYA II Operations” which link yourself to your Rwandese kinship grouped around the CNDP/FARDC, operations conducted after your intimidating, disrespectful and dictatorial speech found in attachment, together with a silent
response to our MPs’ claims also attached here with;
Upon realizing your pride which led to such neglects of the powers that brought you up to where you are; but unfortunately you are nearing your saddest fate. Even as you touched our military leadership, and swore to break up ALL PEACE AGREEMENTS (ACTES D’ENGAGEMENTS) we had signed with you in Goma, on 23 January 2008 “you have, however, called on us to wage a “FINAL WAR” to end your ”MISADVENTURES” in Kinshasa and the eastern parts of our country.
Mr. Hyppolite Kanambe,
In response to all your provocations, as P.A.R.C / Maï-Maï Reformé “we have decided to pen down a few things we want you to know. By this very same communication we don’t wish to keep the international community unaware of the patriotic engagements we are determined to carry on as we aim at saving the lives of our populations and the integrity of our territorial boundaries.
Though nicknamed Joseph KABILA Kabange, you have brought too much shame to our nation; your open denial of your biological parents is absolute evidence that you cannot be trusted, or that any pact contracted with you is far from binding, despite the fact that you claim it is for political reasons. You are not proud of your parents, and understand you can never be proud of yourself. So we invite you to carefully learn these points of fact in order to fix yourself up :
1.    Your presidency is not the first since the independence of Congo on 30th of June 1960. You should know we are the mentors of the man who adopted you, and whose name you now bear. As companions with him (Laurent D. Kabila) we waged war for over 25 years against both Joseph Kasa-Vubu and your dictatorial hero Joseph Désiré Mobutu upon the assassination of our national hero, Patrice-Emery Lumumba. Your Rwandese biological parents (loyal Tutsis) and the Revolutionary lord Che Guevara had witnessed the bravery of our determination at Hewa-Bora/Fizi.
2.    Our hospitality and protection of humanitarian rights are main reasons why both ethnic Tutsi and Hutu Rwandese are found in Fizi; and never one day have you heard of the two genocidal rivals conflicting. We manage both of them until the day of justice. We alone possess the powers to keep them from your harming them or to extradite them “see why we cannot accept the troops of our arch-enemy (CNDP) on our lands to track neither of the Rwandese refugees in our protection. This is something Rwanda, UNHCR and your own regime cannot control. Like reported by the HRW, you are the greatest violator of human rights.
3.    The world has misunderstood us (Maï-Maï and Congolese) because your ethnic Tutsi-men have misled the media houses and the international community by repeatedly twisting the truth about their identity; likewise have you lied to the world in your own life story. Instead of questioning the powers we have, shouldn’t you see the need to question why we do accept both yourself, your father “the Luba”, the entire bunch of illegal settlers of Tutsi and Hutus on our territory?! We simply wait to see how the UN justice commission handles such complex matters, as it is obvious, all of you are confirmed murderers and bear with you three or four citizenships each illegally acquired. Your hands are full of the blood of innocent children, men and women of the Great Lakes region. Why do you prefer to take side with just one ethnic group “while you all come from Rwanda? You came to divide the Congolese and tarnish their moral values!
4.    We have not agreed to, and never shall we, under any pressure what-so-ever, give a collective citizenship to a corrupt gang of warlords, criminals (genocide masters). Your case has been treated with courtesy because, our comrade, your foster father had pleaded with us to regard you as such. Even though, every politics is local, and you cannot rule the DRC the way your master of Rwanda rules his poor country.
5.    Unlike you, Mr. Hyppolite, we have never participated in the massacres of any single ethnic group as you did in Rwanda, Uganda and eventually in the Democratic Republic of Congo (files saved).
6.    We do not, and shall not invade people’s lands, rape or steal or accept corruption in D R Congo. We stand tall to respond to our aggressors’ attacks; to hinder their occupational dream from taking place on our territorial domains “as stipulated in Lemera Pact between AFDL and its allies, and similarly to oppose you in carrying out the substitute Pact of Nairobi, to-day known as “KIMYA II.” We deadly oppose dictatorship; we protect our nation and repulse our enemies like in your case. Generals DUNIA and YAKOTUMBA are not play toys. Learn to fear them!
Mr. J. Kabila,
The way of peace if agreed upon and implemented accordingly, was the shortest and the harmless one leading to open justice, works of development and national prosperity. You have chosen to counteract the process by delaying it. Terrible enough, with Rwanda, you co-invented malicious strategies to ruin our country. The situation has since worsened, being your will; as a president preaching peace from 2001 to 2009, you are such an imposture and an incompetent fellow. Your government has proven incapable of bringing peace in the eastern provinces. It is by your same incompetence that we observed 1+4 beasts heading the country. With your leopard totem set as your government’s source of inspiration; so, like a leopard, you have succeeded to silently assassinate a great number of nationalists who appeared to be a threat to your lack of knowledge.
Recently, the so-called your government troops sought to have the support of our patriotic forces in their efforts to accomplish a secret mission as they did when you sent them to violate humanitarian rights in North Kivu and Oriental provinces; we had respected the MONUC convincing mediation, despite the fact that you never stick to Goma Peace Agreements. Besides, you chose to stop the re-integration process which we had just started, by killing civilians and attacking our bases.
The remaining leaders you seek to assassinate through poison and Kimya 2 operations are all alert. None of them has ever stolen mineral wealth or acquired luxurious buildings and set up selfish business away from Congo. While FARDC (Forces Armées Rwandaises déployées au Congo) continue to lead the occupational plan; and true nationals are thrown into endless unrest, with the refugees dying away from home; you accept the impasse because you have the opportunity to plunder our national resources. After all this, do you feel proud of being called president?!
Hyppolite Kanambe,
In your speech, you questioned the powers we have and on which side we belong. Well, we cannot be-league with thieves or criminals. We sure wish you to know that our powers are found, neither in guns (for we buy none) nor are they in any foreign partners like you have. We know our God, the God of our Fathers, who empowers us to make the wonders you desire to see once again. When we backed you up, you went up; now, imagine the contrary how easier it is likely to happen. Since you are such a visionless head of State, the very patriotic powers we have are readily regained to enthrone any other Congolese patriot without shedding the blood of innocent civilians. Hence our motto : « le PEUPLE et la PATRIE d’ABORD»
For your information, all patriotic movements have made a coalition countrywide. We have already surfaced all strategic places of our country. HERE WE ARE DETERMINED TO OUST YOU. No more of a regime which has failed to ensure security of its territorial borders, sacrifices its own populations, but fights its own citizens in favor of the neighboring enemies. We are tired of massive plunders of our mineral resources by sort of Bluetooth leaders of Kinshasa. No more of Amani program; no more of Kimya II Operations (silent assassinations of the Congolese Elite). NO MORE OF YOU, the LIAR. Now is the opportunity given you to carry out your “Cinq Chantiers” on its field, in Rwanda. Congolese have had enough of you, and we are erect to do their will, to install a new government “trusted by the people of Congo. Halt all efforts to merge our troops with the genociders. We no longer have interest in your propaganda. TODAY, a new era has begun. We take upon our shoulders the responsibility of liberating our country from the general plight; as conscious patriots, to protect our people from their enemies; and a NEW GOVERNMENT, which respects the principles of GOOD GOVERNANCE, is now being aspired.
By the same, we also urge the investors who are planning to do some beneficial works in the DRC to wait and see where the compass leads. Friends we surely cherish; enemies we clearly resist. Any foreign government reading us is equally advised not to interfere with our internal conflict. We longed after your intervention, but when you came, minerals and aquatic resources were more precious to you than the people of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Unlike you, PEOPLE and Sovereignty of our State are of paramount importance to us. By making our country safe for investments and diplomatic ties, we likewise appeal to you to call back the UN peace-keeping troops after such a terrible failure of their mission in our country.
We do guarantee the international community, religious and human rights organizations that “WE STAND TO SOLVE; NOT TO DESTROY!”
On Behalf of P.A.R.C. / Maï-Maï Reformed:
Signed,                                                      Signed,
LOOBA UNDJI Raphael                                  Gen YAKOTUMBA AMURI Williams
Chairman, PARC/FIZI, DRC                            Reformed Maï-Maï Forces, DRC
Cell : +243 813 186 900 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +243 813 186 900      end_of_the_skype_highlighting                                   Cell : + 243 813 201 155 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              + 243 813 201 155      end_of_the_skype_highlighting        
E-Mail: parc.yak@gmail. com,                        E-Mail: parc.congo@yahoo. fr